
Stevenage Borough Council have published detailed plans for a development on Forster Country and a Country Park. The applications can be seen on the planning section of the SBC website
In the planning section, search for "Land To The North Of Stevenage". You should find one reference 22/00781/RMM about the Country Park and three with references 22/00806/RMM, 22/00810/RMM & 22/00808/RMM with details of planned housing areas. Enquiries may go to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07960 859105.
Anyone may comment via the website or by letter to Zayd al Jawad at Daneshill House, SG1 1HN within 30 days of the publication on 8.9.22
After consideration by planning staff, it should go to the Planning Committee of SBC within a few months

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