
We are so sad and so sorry we couldn't stop these plans for our open space. Stevenage Labour-dominated Council has voted to pave over much of the last remaining fields of E. M. Forster's beloved fields, to create an "urban recreation park" with spoil mound, car park, road network, speed humps, bollards, municipal bins. A literary, cultural, wildlife haven is ruined

It should be possible to build the homes that people need, the community spaces that are accessible to all, the parks and spaces so needed for a good life - and to do so in a way that incorporates ancient meadows and history and biodiversity, and involves everyone in the design.   We tried to argue for the Forster heritage but they didn't listen or agree.

We would like to say Thank You to anyone who wrote to councillors or lodged objections. Thank you for loving the land here as much as we do.