
The report by the Inspector who examined the Stevenage Local Plan is published and is now in the public domain.
Under agenda item 5 click on “Report & Appendices attached” and go to p17 according to computer count but 53 printed at bottom of first page. The report is just over 30 pages long plus a table of “Major Modifications”.  This report represents an immense disappointment and a source of sadness for those of us who for many years have been trying to keep Forster Country open as farmland
We thank the many people who have supported us through the years and especially those who contributed to pay for the barrister who fought on our behalf at the Hearings.
We believe that the Inspector has far reaching powers and that now she has deliberated and come to a conclusion, our ability to continue to protect Forster Country is very significantly curtailed.
On our 3 main planks there has been no change recommended by the Inspector.
On the subject of Green Belt which was a major defence of Forster Country, the Inspector’s report says that the need for housing is in itself the exceptional circumstance justifying the destruction of the Green Belt. Obviously we did not agree at the hearing.
We were also dubious about the source for the proposed dwelling numbers.
The argument that North Road which is already the most congested road in Stevenage and will worsen with the new development was noted in some amendments. But SBC want to persuade people to walk, cycle or catch buses; the Inspector supported these ideas.
We will be asking our lawyer what further steps we can take to resist the development. We also intend to object at the planning permission stage associated with the development.

If any of you have further ideas please let us know.